
a lack of responsibility and the sense of entitlement

these are the two things that are tearing this great country apart at the seams. you can see it everywhere. the lack of responsibility is accountable for many of our societys ills. teenage pregnancy, drug useage, frivolus law suits, inner city decay, obesity, economic turmoil, horrible foreign relations, ecological destruction the list goes on and on. the people of this country have turned into what i like to call "microwave humans", if it takes me longer to do something than it takes a Hot Pocket to cook in the microwave then it isn't worth it. sad, really, very sad. these last, what 4, gererations have become incresingly lazier than the last. with lazyness come blame. i did it because (insert lame reason here). why can't parents control their kids now? lazyness leading to a lack of resposibility. why can't we have a year where big name companys don't declair bankrupcy or ask the government for a handout? same reason. now, to go along with this is the sense of entitlement almost all of america has. i deserve to be rich, i deserve a new car, i deserve this, that and the other. shut the fuck up! you sit at home drawing a welfare check and have 5 kids! the only thing you deserve is sterilization! it's not just a common citizen disease either. the CEO's of these big, bankrupt companies have it too. do you really need to be paid 47 million dollars a year? ayear? c'mon, man, give us a break here. the sense of entitlement goes even further. or foreign policies impost our will on other countries because we feel we have a "moral obligation". what a fuckin joke! this country really needs a big old fuckin slice of Humble Pie. we need to pull our collective heads outta our asses and realize we are all in this together regardless of race, religion, or political party affiliation. i know, i know, i'm living in a land of lolly-pops and gumdrops. the fact of the matter is that it isn't that far fetched or near impossible as one might imagine. i heard somwhere that marriage is a series of compromises, equally shared, between two people that care for and love eachother. well, when you say you love this country aren't you saying then that you love your fellow america? and the same when you care about this country? to me things can be solved alot simpler if we just try to learn to live with one another. sappy ending.

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