
CG Or Not CG, That Will Be The Question

CGI is growing more sophisticated. And like all things driven by technology it will continue indefinitely. It is already to the point where you have to do a double-take at times to figure out if it's real video or a video game sequence. I predict that in another 10 years or so it will be nearly impossible for a casual observer to tell CGI from real video. This will open up a whole new world of fraud and deceit that will be utilized by criminals or politicians, (sorry for the redundancy), to manipulate people. We could see videos of Obama beating someone unconscious. Jeb Bush luring children into a van, Hillary Clinton destroying her E-mail server,(oops!, sorry again), or maybe Mike Huckabee leading a Klan Parade. Anybody could be shown to be doing anything imaginable.  And most people won't question what they're seeing, They just believe it to be fact. 

    So how do we defend against the unavoidable onslaught of deception? And should there be sever punishments for those who create images of actual people doing things they have never done? The damage that can be done, even if it is later revealed as a fake, is incalculable. 

    Maybe the solution is to simply flee the country. We could go to Canada, I hear Letemdangle has an extra room.

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