Disney F'd romance up for us
So before I start, let me say this: I love women, I'm not a hater. I have a rad gf who I've lived with for 3yrs. She is what helped me put my finger on what is so fucked with relationships, then and now;
Think of any grand parent you know who has had a 50th wedding anniversary. They're old, of course, but have you heard of any big anniversary's happening in a while? I haven't. Its "romance" and how little girls have been brainwashed to think its something effortless and entitled to them.
Who is to blame? Disney for starters, and parents for allowing little girls to grow up with "princess syndrome", and girls themselves for not being realistic when they're older. Life isn't a fairy tale. True love may exist, but it isn't effortless. You're expectations are impossible, even for a prince. You have to work just as hard as a man to make your relationship work.
Why are all of our parents divorced? Are all the results of fractured fairy tales? Too much expected and not enough effort to make it last? Were they so "in love" they never got to know each other as friends and companions? What hope do we all have of getting married and staying happily married? All we've been shown is dreamy ideas reinforced by codependent relationships.
Its all bullshit. I brought up the question about 50th wedding anniversary's because old grandparents were not exposed to Disney fairy fail stories as youths. The girls knew they were not princesses who were entitled to be loved for no other reason than they deserved it. But our parents have been exposed to in since the 40's. And divorce rates sky rocketed in their generation. We have all witnessed the decay and aftermath of the fairy tale romantic model.
Its time chicks wake the fuck up and realize all the BS they pull at bars, clubs and in their relationships just perpetuates the destructive princess mentality and thusly widens the gap between how the sexes understand each other, what should be expected and how to live together. If they put in as much work as the men are supposed to, things would be much different.