OH wait let me more specific Wangsters, I just totally dispise them. Like what ever happend to TRUE gangsters, The one's that would cut your fingers off with cigar clippers or give you "cement shoe's" Like I would so rather be killed by a mod gangster then some stupid little teenager who wears his pants to low and listens to 50 cent, like come on it looks they shit themselves, I bet when they get in a fight they crap their pants and are like " oh well noone will notice" and the girls that these guys get are horribly ugly, Like SOME of them are decent but most look like they got smacked in the face by a bag of extremely pissed of cats.
One day im going to go into all the stores that seel those really bag wangster clothes and steal all the lager sizes so when a dude comes in to buy some he HAS to buy something that fits him properly....otherwise I'll jump out of one of the clothes racks and beat him with a dildo