Getting a bad guy.
Last year during the Republican National Convention in St Paul, we were looking for a bad guy that skipped out on his bail. Now we had been looking for this asshat for a couple of weeks. We finally got a tip that he was going to be staying at his girlfriends house just on the outskirts of the previously mentioned city. We put on all our gear (consisting of a vest, handcuffs, tazer and 9mm, in my case) and parked in front of said house. We knocked and the girlfriend answered. She stated the guy wasn't there. As my partner searched the house, guess who drove up. Yup, Asshat. My partner comes out of the house and we approach him. Before we can grab him, he jumps into his car and starts to careem backwards out of the driveway. Bam! Right into the front quarterpanel of my Durango. The guy surges forward and tries to back up again. Bam! This time hitting a retaining wall in front of the house. We get up to the car and drag the douche out of the window. Unbeknownst to us, the Bams! had sounded like gunshots to a whole bunch of the neighbors. Suddenly, there were sirens, black cars, squad cars and swat vehicles screaming up to us. We're standing there with a guy on the ground, tazers drawn with more guns than I can count drawn on us. "Whoa, we're bounty hunters!" my partner shouts as the police come up to us. Luckily we had our badges showing so we weren't shot right away. (yes, we do need those stinkin' badges) The police ran our ID's and the idiot's on the ground and found we were telling the truth. We then all had a good laugh and had our pictures taken with the swat team. It was really bad timing to find the guy that day, but a good time was had by all.
And by the way, I am totally better looking that that walking booby on Dog the bounty hunter.
I am Puppypaws98. Don't make me come over there.