Good evening mother fuckers. It has been a while but I felt this incredible need to write a blog (hang on going for a smoke). Ok, I'm back, I have been having a hard time getting motivated to come to fatso world. I sometimes enjoy watching Ebaum eat up e-rape points when a user starts accumulating too many, so that fatso can remove them with the slightest fuck up.
Also, (forgive me I've had a few)...anyway, sorry, assholes, so I've been having problems trying to find some worthy opponents. I was so desperate I started with Blunt-Blaza and was refused, he's been reformed and saw the light. Apparently I was a few months late (see my profile)....any-hoo, so I have had some really good back and forths with some users (no, don't get happy your not one of them). In the end most of you sucked, I had one user tell me he was a UFC fighter, varsity ball player and a boxer!(he really believed himself)........ I'm Batman.
Hang on....(smoke break)......I'm back, don't you hate when your drink and it leaves that stupid ring on your desk? So annoying...I guess my real point in all of this is, ummm.......none.
Enjoy your eeeeyyyyddddsssss bitches, POSTAL is out :)
Spellcheck is for bitches.....