Good, good, good
Not for school but for life
Not for school but for life we learn. Sometimes good sleep Homer. History life's magister is. Why pearls to swine you throw? Great you are, Lord. You God we praise. Hours not I count only sunny. Sparks small offer fire large. Fortune her wheel always turn. Accept laurel crown! Salvage childreniños. Gold and silver, iron and cupper, lid and tin metals are. Golden ring. Silver ring. Quiet I ain't movin'. Flavian amphitheater. White. Whole. In whole. Without doubt. Today for me, tomorrow for you. You command, I obey. Other's vices with eyes we see, ours in back we have. Slaves have their slaves. Quickly dry tear, particularly in others' disasters. To you great gratitude I bring. Wherever well, there fatherland. Eachother we love. You run home, I stay. So passes the world's glory. I have a brain meltdown.