Dear Dummies,
Gun control doesn't work on LAWLESS COMMUNITIES. In fact, NO LAWS work on criminals or lawless communities. Not rape laws, drug laws, prostitution, theft, assault, murder. Why would you think people who commit crime are going to obey strict gun laws or any law?
Look at South Chicago, where I grew up and thankfully was able to leave alive. Since January 1 ~ October 11 2015, there have been 2,384 shootings, And those are only the ones REPORTED. Last calendar year? 2,587. Murders? 398. All of 2014, 435. How's GUN CONTROL working out in one of America's strictest gun control zones? With all those laws and restrictions that are absolute failures, why on Earth would you think adopting the same laws across America would be any more effective? They don't work in Chicago, why would they work anywhere else?
Gun control is political NONSENSE to make politicians and activists have talking points, something to live for, and something to campaign on. It is pointless and ineffective and has always been so. One population that will NEVER obey gun laws are the black people who are not criminals who live in these law-free crime zones. The only reason there is not a catastrophic explosion in crime is because criminals suspect or know everyone is armed and will be shot on site if someone is jumped or their home is broken into. Guns also keep people safe from guns and criminals who use them. It ain't the guns, it's the scumbag motherfuckers who USE guns that are the problem, and we ain't gettin' rid of them any time soon.
Liberals to blame. I wish WHITE LIBERALS would move into dangerous black communities. They got us all dependent on welfare, gave additional money for each child born so that women think they can get a raise if they pop out 1 more kid, which makes them even poorer. Their EBT Card policies give people independence to not bother about getting a job, which the community chased away with their lawlessness. Felons get out of prison and do what? Nothing. They can't get a job ever, no way no how. So, how they gonna eat? What are they gonna do? The same thing they are good at, selling drugs to get rich. Don't need a resume or clean rap sheet for that. White liberals should get out of their gated communities and purchase a home or apartment in Detroit or Baltimore and live their unarmed, practice what they preach, see how that works out for them. They can run around waiving around some paper quoting whatever law they have, and see how that is respected. Better yet, keep their cellphone handy in case they need the police, who MIGHT arrive in an hour or so.
Well South Korea and Japan don't allow private gun ownership and they don't have gun rampages! --Yeah, and the Japanese vacuum the sidewalk in front of their house too. They are GOOD PEOPLE who have low crime rates whether guns are available or not. They don't include guns in their constitution because they don't see a need for it. It's their behavior that keeps crime low, not abolition of firearms. Stop trying to equate gun laws with low crime. A) South Koreans are generally not criminals, so gun laws mean nothing concerning their crime rate. B) Gun abolition in S. Chicago has an explosion in crime because the people are corrupt, and ignore gun laws and buy them despite needed FBI criminal background check. --SUMMARY: behavior lowers crime, not gun laws.
Alcohol prohibition (1920-1933) a horrible FAILURE, people just don't learn. It created rich politicians (The Kennedys) and more crime, --organized crime (Al Capone). People still drank, people went blind from drinking what they thought was alcohol, but was basically formaldehyde, people made it at home or in their barn (like they still do today). Laws don't work on people who don't have respect for the law. --Catching on yet? The same propaganda was used then as it is not with guns, "Children have easy access to it, it creates a moral-less society, we need to empty our jails by banning this product, our society will be better, safer, cleaner." --The whole experiment was a joke. How about cigarette taxes? Know anyone who stopped smoking yet? Nope. They get if from duty-free Indian reservations, or pick up a few cartons from duty-free airports, order cheaper cigarettes through the internet, roll their own at home, or just pay the cost. --Meanwhile government gets to balance their budgets at their expense! Huzzah for addicts!
Pandora's Box is wide open, and their is no going back now. Guns are here to stay. The border is huge and porous. Guns can and will be smuggled in by land or by sea the same what DRUGS and ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE, can't keep them out either can you? It's never going to stop or go away. I wish every time there is a drug crime, politicians would run out and propose a new anti-drug law, and people would say, "Hey wait a minute! We already have 1000s of these, what is 1 more going to do?" Eventually people will see how crazy and pointless it is. Besides, access to drugs are not part of our constitution, guns are.
You'll never stop crime. They only way to be safe is to carry a police officers with you where ever you go, right on your hip. If you are on the ocean, on a high mountain peak, on a distant hiking trail FAR from any help or cellphone access, or in a lawless neighborhood, your gun is your BEST chance of staying alive, not waiting for the government (that is a failure at everything) to provide security for you. It is your right and responsibility to care for your own safety. We have lived 100s and 1000s of years without outsourcing our security to the state, we can continue to do it today, as the Founding Fathers envisioned.
Candlelight vigils are for PUSSIES! Better to stay alive by exercising your God-given right, than be a dead fool.