"I can't see mysef doing that"
Most of you should know by now that I managed to find myself a job. (In this economy!!) I know, I was surprised to, but I already introduced my employmentness in my last blog. You know, the one that told you about how I put a costume on and wave a sign at people? That one. But no, this blog is to kind of reinforce what Jennie wrote on the "Entertain me" mentality America has.
The current economic crisis has thousands of Americans unemployed, including teenagers, like me, who need the job referances and experience (The ability to put gas in my car and buy an occasional muffin is a bonus). You'd think that this would make those who are looking for a job less picky about what they do...right? Like hell. During down time at church (down time at church? Aren't we supposed to be out yelling at people who aren't Christain? I'm not making this a religious blog, so sit down and shut up) and the subject turned to interviews for a job. There was this one guy who complained that he was still looking for a job but couldn't find a place that was hiring. I looked at him and said "You know, all kinds of places wiare still hiring sign wavers". I just solved his fucking problem right then and there because it's completely true.
Back story: All I did was walk into the tax place, fill out an aplication and not even 24 hours later, I got a call for an interview. I went for the "interciew" (which consisted of me waving for an hour) and the sceduled my week right then and there. It wasn't even a day after I filled out an application, it's fucking awesome!
But no, all he did was look at the sky and say "Naw, I just can't see myself doing that." ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!??! Do you really think that you can be THAT picky about what job you want in a time like this! I couldn't see myself doing that the day before I applied and yet I still applied for it! A job is supposed to be something that puts money in your pocket and gas in yur car. You don't treat it like a vaction. I'm willing to bet that what he can see himself doing in working at a Gamestop bsing and playing videogames all day. That was sure as hell something I saw MYSELF doing before realising how hard it was to get a job.
He may never know the true value of a dollar or having a job. Just this saturday, I went around sticking coupons on car windshields (yeah, I'm that guy too apparently) and and spent about 5 hours waving at cars, but I tell you what, it'll be the most meaningful $57.25 I'll ever make in my life.