
I love law enforcement

Making my first blog on something I think we can all agree on.


Just exactly what the fuck is up with traffic cops? Do they need to exist? Do they provide any kind of valuable service to society? Of course not, the position of traffic enforcement is strictly a low risk, high return job. Their entire purpose is to bring in more revenue for their departments and in some (extremely rare) cases, for their local governments. Even the rules they go by when giving a ticket vary widely from officer to officer since it is entirely within a cops rights to decide what laws you have broken.

Where else could the manpower from traffic cops go? I don't know, how about crime prevention? When I say crime, I mean of course, real crime. Robbery, Murder, rape, assault, you know, something with a victim. If in any given second a violent crime is occuring, then doesn't it seem neglegent on the cops part to give me a ticket rather than do  his job? If there was a clog in your toilet that needed to be removed so you could shit, how happy would you be when the plumber came over and decided he was going to fix your leaky faucet instead? Motherfucker, America can live with leaky faucets, we can't deal with unflushable shit. 


So if there are any cops reading this, leave the faucets alone and actually do your job for once, get rid of the shit in my toilet that is going to inevitably steal my stereo and rape my girlfriend. 

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