I'm legal
Well, license has been aquired. Go ahead and bitch about how I'm lieing, spoiled, just a kid, should be in school right now, etc. It doesn't make any difference because it's true, and I don't have class today. I'm just here to gloat (yeah I know, "it's your license, big deal", it's my first one so suck it.)
It was funny how I got the damn thing in the first place. First I had to get up at 5:30 (on my day off) to stand in line for 2-3 hours. Luckily I had my PSP (doo-dee-doo), and that killed 45 minutes to an hour before I got bored with it. Everyone in line was freaken me out. They were exanging stories about how they failed because they parked more than an inch away from a white rope, or forgot to look behind their right shoulder, all kinds of rediculous stuff.
I was LUCKY! I got one of the nicest driving instructors in the whole damn DMV. The guy before me was tested by her,(He failed once before for stoppin over the white line in the cross walk (are you sh**ing me?)), and passed. What she did is grade everyone on a school type grade out of 100, and she overlooked the first mistake (where everyone would usually fail) because she knew people would be nervous.
That mistake was when she told me to get in the car, I put it in Reverse and left it there. I thought nothing of it because I had my foot on the brake. She did the whole "Left signal...right signal *walk to back of car* Left signal...etc." but when she told me to take my foot off the brake...it was still in reverse. Safe to say the car moved and scared the crap out of her. She over-looked it.
I made two other mistakes, one was going 40 in a 30 zone (didn't know what the speed was, so I wung it) and a total lack of knowing what the fuck I was doing while parallel parking. She docked 10 for speeding and 6 for the parking thing. Nothing too special.
OH, fun fact. There was a mistake on my permit, insteads of an M for sex I got an F (you all can start laughing now). We just showed them my birth certificate to prove I was a dude (I could've showed them I was a guy right there at the desk, but they wanted the certificate.)
Ok, I'm done. You old people can reminice (sp.) about your old days. You middle age people can start your "Back in my day, you had to..." speeches and you pre-teen/teen/adult people can talk about how getting your license was better and how perfect you were when getting yours.