It should be wait this
I find it all kind of funny to see people write what they think a blogger should be talking about. What difference should it make, what a person writes about as long as they write something. If somebody puts a blog out there that you dont like then MOVE ON or as we used to call it go around you can do this in case you didn't know. If you make this some kind of creative writing class then why would anyone come on here and tell their story when they can just take it somewhere else? It is good we all have an opinion but as everyone knows opinions are like wallboys (assholes) everybody has one and nobody thinks theirs stinks. (sorry wallboy couldn't resist.) I try to read everybody's blog on here because it is the polite thing to do because hell they took the time to write it and if enough comments are put out there we just might get a good discussion going. We now have an asshole or stalker whichever name you like best, but as long as you keep bringing him up he has the power. I personally think he is funny but I hate the fact he is picking fights with just a couple of people. I do know this, if he was pissing me off I would do one of two things blast him back or go around but if he is pissing you off ignore him and see if he keeps on doing it I bet he wont.
I was talking to a friend last night and was reminded of one of the ways people used to get noticed was to find somebody popular and pick a fight, so dont get to excited just laugh and have some fun because that is why we are here right? Now everybody, PILE UP on wallboy he likes it.
Thanks for reading Bohank