Just wanna know....
Why does the Western World find it completely acceptable to cut the foreskin off of our little boy-children shortly after they're born? Does it make their little penises look prettier? (not really) Will the foreskin poison the baby? (no) I mean, other than religious tradition, why do we still do it?
For that matter, why does most of the Western World frown upon a mother allowing her child to breast feed for longer than a year? Does the medical community not see the benefits? Do most people know that it's actually better for child and mother to nurse until the child is 3 years old? (ask the World Health Organization) Do most people know that infant formula is actually made with cow's milk? (and people wonder why a majority of infants/toddlers have milk allergies)
*yes, I'm asking these questions because my baby will be here in about 8 weeks and my hubby and I are debating these subjects now!