My husband and i work hard for what we have,we have also set an example for our kids to do the same and they do.We are a family,we help each other,we protect each other,we acknowledge and praise each other when we do good things,we hold each other accountable if we do the wrong thing, but most of all we love each other.We are not asking for anything that we haven't worked for.Now we are being surrounded by group of people that want it all free.I don't want you to get the wrong idea. There are people out there that have come upon hard times and i will be the first one to say that those are the ones,along with the elderly and the handicapped that should be given a helping hand.If you are able to work and choose not to then you are on your own.I am getting sick and tired of hearing that just because we are lucky enough to have some of the finer things in life,then we need to give more.Let me make it perfectly clear.The things that we have acquired in life had nothing to do with luck.I worked two jobs for awhile and my husband did the same.We did this because we needed some things and that's what it took.We didn't go to the government for a hand out.You have a constitutional right to LIFE,you have a constitutional right to LIBERTY and you have a constitutional right to the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.This doesn't mean you have a right to happiness,it is up to you to make sure whether you are happy or not.It is not up to me to give you any of what i have worked my ass off for.If i want to give you whats mine then that is my decision.If you are unable to help yourself,then i will gladly help you to get back on your feet.If you are healthy and able to do for yourself then get off your ass and do the right thing and stop taking from those of us that sacrificed ,so our family could have a better life.I didn't write this to upset anyone other than the lazy good for nothing take and never give back BUMS! Thanks for reading this. The COMMONMAN.