liquid hydrocodone
bout a week ago my daughter had her tonsils and adnoids removed. she's 7 so i fully expected her to be in pain and for the appropriate pain medication to be perscribed. i was shocked tho to find that for such a quick and simple procedure they gave her a pint of liqid hydrocodone! a fuckin pint man! she has had, in about a week, maybe acouple of tablespoons worth. this means we are gonna have alot left over. i cant wait. i'm not some big drug head or anything, but that shit is pretty good and knocks you da fuck out when you wanna sleep hard. like sheets kicked to the floor, butt naked, balls hngin out, slobberin, mommy is daddy dead sleep. and i need some of that. i ran outta all the flexoril i had from when i hurt my back, but it didnt matter cuz i had built atolerence up to it and ate them like skittles anyways. i told my wife i wouldnt touch it untill my daughter didnt need it, but when she's time!