Men and Women
Is it just me, or have women become incredibly ungrateful?
The always say how they don't need don't need planes, automobiles, Telephones, computers, televisions, houses, light, electricity as we know it.
And what's with always being so offended by a tell a woman a dirty joke and you find yourself up to your ass in legal issuses with a facefull of mace. You tell a man a dirty joke and he actually laughs, even if it degrades him personally. There is no such things as a masculist...i dont even think there is even a world for it.
Women walk down the street in revealing clothes and get offended when someone sneaks a peak... thats like being covered in dog food and wondering why dogs are following take a mintue to thank men for what they have done for you...and hey...if you become as sexually ambiguous as us, we'll give you what ever the hell you want.