
Naked Shoplifter

so i thought id write a blog about my day yesterday cuz i think its a kinda funny story... its long but if you have nothing eles to do like me, go ahead and read..just dont bitch about how long it was because i know

so i work at a starbucks inside of a grocery store and i was working yesterday, and while i was in the back apparently some guy tried to steal something and was caught by security but then ran.

so i come back up and Penu, the old indian woman i was working with, was like "Amanda do you see what happen?" im like no what? and she told about the guy and said that Phil from produce chased him. i was pretty shocked to hear Phill chased him cuz hes kinda over weight and has all these tatoos and piercings..hes a nice guy dont get me wrong..just wouldnt expect him to chase some guy out of the store for shoplifting. But apparently the security guard (whose a woman..go figure) was chasing him and slipped haha so Phill sprung into action. 

so apparently all the comotion is going on outside and im off in 10 min so im just going back to work as usual, but i did notice a few of the managers running outside. this girl comes up to get a drink and is like what just happend? and i told her about it and i asked what was going on outside. she then explained that they had some guy on the ground in a head lock and hes wearing nothing but his im wondering wtf happend that he suddenly got naked

then next thing you know 2 of the managers are practically dragging him in the middle of the store to take him to the back office, and hes still in only his boxers and people are all on their phones and taking pics, how ebarassing for the guy haha.

then i was finally off and i see Phill and he was all sweaty and his eyes were completly blood shot and im like what fuck happend? and hes like i just chased a shoplifter, so i asked him how he got naked and apparently when Phil was trying to grab him he only got his cloths and so he proceded to rip them off unfortunate

so then i walk outside and there are about 3 cop cars and a whole circle of cops surrounding the guy (i dont know when they brought him back outside) and a swarm of people all on their phones and taking pics...and hes still naked...i couldnt help but crack up walking by but i kinda feel sorry for him...knowing Giant he prob stole a pack of gum

so yea thats my story, hope you liked it

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