(From the recently unearthed document "The predictions of the Great Nostradoofus", 1387, Simon and Schuster)
"I am Nostradoofus.
"Heed my words, for they shall all come to pass.
"Two large towers will fall in 2001, in a big land that does not yet exist. They will fall because the King of the country they reside in will be an idiot.
"There are colors I see. Red and Blue. They seem to be very powerful. They will own all the Fakitude, someday.
"Someday, a brown person will be the leader of the Unknown Land. Perhaps directly after the Idiot absconds his post?
"I met an Muslim this afternoon, and it seemed to me that he wath crazy. Heed my words- watch your rectums around these inane peoples.
"The butter of the Peanut shall meet the Jelly of the Strawberry on nutritionally valueless 'white bread', and the result will change entire universes.
" In the history of the planet, there have been many, many stupid and idiotic beings. None shall ever be more stupid that those who follow the Posse of Insane Jesters.
" You can't make this shit up, peopleth. I sees what I sees.
"In the late twentieth and early twenty-first century, people will pay money, and a lot of it, to hear uneducated, barely discernable Brown People singing without melody or harmony, or song structure, about things like 'gin and juice', and killing 'Cops', whatever they may be. This new 'music' will instantly diminish any intelligence the listener may have had. It's a fact.
"That is all"
You can't make this shit up, folks. I found these books in the basement of destroyed house in the Ninth Ward, and they're verified real.
Nostradoofus knew what the fuck he was talking about.
"I am Nostradoofus.
"Heed my words, for they shall all come to pass.
"Two large towers will fall in 2001, in a big land that does not yet exist. They will fall because the King of the country they reside in will be an idiot.
"There are colors I see. Red and Blue. They seem to be very powerful. They will own all the Fakitude, someday.
"Someday, a brown person will be the leader of the Unknown Land. Perhaps directly after the Idiot absconds his post?
"I met an Muslim this afternoon, and it seemed to me that he wath crazy. Heed my words- watch your rectums around these inane peoples.
"The butter of the Peanut shall meet the Jelly of the Strawberry on nutritionally valueless 'white bread', and the result will change entire universes.
" In the history of the planet, there have been many, many stupid and idiotic beings. None shall ever be more stupid that those who follow the Posse of Insane Jesters.
" You can't make this shit up, peopleth. I sees what I sees.
"In the late twentieth and early twenty-first century, people will pay money, and a lot of it, to hear uneducated, barely discernable Brown People singing without melody or harmony, or song structure, about things like 'gin and juice', and killing 'Cops', whatever they may be. This new 'music' will instantly diminish any intelligence the listener may have had. It's a fact.
"That is all"
You can't make this shit up, folks. I found these books in the basement of destroyed house in the Ninth Ward, and they're verified real.
Nostradoofus knew what the fuck he was talking about.