
Not under Obama.

I had an interesting conversation with some other Marines over the weekend. I was over a friend's house... old friend. Known him since we were kids, and now we're both Marines. He's a scout sniper. Anyway, it was his party and thus his buddies, so he was the only one I really knew well, most of the others present were his buddies or other guys in his unit.


So anyway, on comes a commercial about Obama, and the typical banter ensues, booing and making obscene gestures (Marines hate Obama). But then someone mentions the sobering fact that, from the look of things, he's going to win... and the conversation takes a turn that I've not heard before.

"If he gets elected, I'm getting out of the Corps."

"Me too."

"Same here. I was a lifer, but I won't serve under him."

"You can say that again."


That kind of took me by surprise. I know Marines hate Obama... after all, our specialty, as well as our chief concern in life, is protecting our nation. We could never support a leader who's essentially willing to negotiate with terrorists. That's just not how we do business.


But refusal to continue serving if he takes office? I didn't realize how deep the disgust with Obama's naivete truly ran. I wonder how widespread this line of thought is? How many servicemen are preparing to leave the military behind if we don't get a competent leader in office?


I'm going to laugh my ass off if, in the years after Obama gets in the White House, the military suffers record lows in recruiting and retention. When those getting out are interviewed and asked why, their answer is that they won't serve under the command of an incompetent leader. Most especially, I'm going to laugh at all the Obamaniacs who kept insisting the whole time that they also support the troops, and that Obama knew better how to deal with our enemies.


I wonder why it is that the U.S. Marines, arguably the greatest patriots in the nation, despise Obama so much?


Just some food for thought.

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