Alright, I don't really get into politics because I think it's just two guys arguing over different ways to control us. So, obviously, as an Anarchist/Nihilist/Idontgiveafuckist, I'm going to hate any President. But, let's face it, no matter how much you like Obama, no matter how good he actually (won't) do, the only reason he got his job is because he's black.
Obviously, black people have come a long way. Especially in this decade, with every black man automatically becoming "cool" and everyone who's not black wanting to be black, with this shit they call rap "music". It's cool to be black, and that's a good thing. No one should be hated because of the way we were born. I did not choose to be born white (although I'm glad I was) and didn't choose which country I was born in (although I wish I could have).
However, when you act like a fucking idiot, then it becomes a problem. There is nothing wrong with being black. I don't hate them because they were born black, I hate them because of the way they act.
There is a double standard when it comes to racism. You're not racist if you're black. It's okay to say "whiteboy" but not "blackboy". It's alright to say "cracker" but not "nigger". Pretty much, you can do whatever you want if you're black, because we're still supposed to be apologizing for slavery.
Well, there's a simple solution to that: GET THE FUCK OVER IT! Stop exploiting slavery. It was 150 years ago. I hear all these retarded civil rights activists that still bitch about it, and claim they want racism to be over with. No, they don't. If racism was over, they would be out of a job. They still need something to bitch about it.
Black people are going to exploit civil rights and bitch about slavery for as long as they can. They get special treatment this way. They want special treatment, but whenever we treat them the way they deserve, or even as equals to us, we're racist, and politically incorrect.
Obama is half-black, and half-white, which means that we should be equal. Yet, I have actually heard people say that he's not half white, no matter what I try to tell them. We forget that he's white.
If you want to be equals, get rid of BET. Get rid of all your special "blacks only" schools or colleges or whatthefuckever, and let us all be equals.
Seriously, I don't care if it's Martin Luther King day. I'm not black, I couldn't care less about your accomplishments. So stop trying to shove this shit down my throat.
If you want to celebrate your culture while refusing to compromise, then go back to Africa and have the biggest party you want to. As I said, Obama is mixed, which should represent equality. Even though you act like Obama is the second coming of Jesus Christ or something, and he's just going to push the easy button and fix everything. Obama will probably fail. Racism will never be over, and it's not our fault.