Obama's Real Father
You've got to love election years. Unsolicited, in the mail, I got a DVD with "Dreams from My Real Father" on it.
It was partisan, slanderous, speculative crap. It is offensive to me to see people use the word "Socialist" with no knowledge of what the word means.
"Was the goat herding Kenyan father only a fairy tale to obscure a Marxist agenda, irrenconcilable with American values?"
Give me a break. The foil cap crowd and birthers will have fun with this one.
My favorite part was the Soviet sickle and hammer over the word "Real" in the title.
It's available on youtube (of course). fetismo is going to love it.
The premise is that Obama's real father was Frank Marshall Davis, a US Communist party guy. It claims to "weave together proven facts with reasoned logic in an attempt to fill in the obvious gaps in Obama's history."
It's amazing to me the bullshit that we're expected to swallow.
It was partisan, slanderous, speculative crap. It is offensive to me to see people use the word "Socialist" with no knowledge of what the word means.
"Was the goat herding Kenyan father only a fairy tale to obscure a Marxist agenda, irrenconcilable with American values?"
Give me a break. The foil cap crowd and birthers will have fun with this one.
My favorite part was the Soviet sickle and hammer over the word "Real" in the title.
It's available on youtube (of course). fetismo is going to love it.
The premise is that Obama's real father was Frank Marshall Davis, a US Communist party guy. It claims to "weave together proven facts with reasoned logic in an attempt to fill in the obvious gaps in Obama's history."
It's amazing to me the bullshit that we're expected to swallow.