Paper Ballots
I voted today. I decided I was gonna rock the vote old school and use a paper ballot. I strolled up to the table, show my 11 forms of I.D. (even thought the old lady working has known me my whole life). She proceeds to check me in and asks if I have ever used the magic voting machines. I told her I had but this year I'd be casting my vote the old fashioned way, on a paper ballot. She looked confused. "Paper Ballot? No one uses those anymore!" she tells me. I pointed out that they were on the table and available and that's how I wanted to cast my vote. She tells me to hang on a minute and she would find someone to help me. The lady in charge of paper ballots came over. She had to explain to the other lady that it was the same check in procedure but I would just fill in circles instead of use the touch screen machine. She was still confused.
Highlight of my day.
SO PLEASE: When you go to vote today, VOTE on a PAPER BALLOT just to fuck with the old ladies!