
Passing blood

At the moment, I am a little to embarrassed to go to the doctor about this problem. I notice that every time I shit, the first few wipes have a ton of blood. More so than I have ever seen before from just irritating that area. Plus, I seem to notice small amounts of blood on my shit. I'm afraid its my stomach, it has constantly been queasy recently, though that could be because I've been a bit worried to say the least.

I have been only been a heavy drinker for only about 2 years, and I would estimate on average I drink about a half pint of 80 proof alcohol per day, although my use has fluctuated between heavier and lighter drinking, and I used to occasional all day binges. Also, during the last week or so I have finished off a bottle of 60 5MG diazepam pills, or 300 MG total. Another thing I can think of, one day recently I drank an entire small bottle of liquid kava extract that was probably supposed to be "30 doses" health food store kava tends to be weak.

So I'm hoping someone here can tell me what damage I most likely did to myself, if any.

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