Plastic anger.
Has anyone recently bought anything that is encased in one of those plastic fortresses? You know, some times they are hung up on walls in rows or just sitting there in triangle shaped boxes. Those things are fucking ridiculous. When it takes longer to open that thing then it does to walk into the store, make a selection, and make your purchase you know its too far. Im getting to the point where Im thinking about not buying certain products just because I have to deal with those fucking boxes.
Now Im pretty sure that now there are some special tools that you can open them with quite quick. Im also pretty sure that those come in the same boxes. Fail. Although they do their job quite well, which is to prevent theft, I think it's just getting a little unnecessary now. Maybe if store keepers could pay a little more attention they wouldn't have to use such annoying products. But is the cost of theft really that where they have to use that much more plastic to encase every product? Im sure that if they didn't use such cases that it would be more cost efficient even with am increased number of thefts. But what the hell, Im only the consumer my opinion doesn't matter, right?
Im Life and what do I know?