rules for buying a house.
When buying a house.
When you buy a house there are a few things that most people overlook which ends up screwing them in the end.
1. Check flood zoning. It doesnt sound like much, but when you buy a house check flood zone maps. People have a tendency to think that home owners insurance covers flood damage, but thats not true. Knowing the flood zones helps you negotiate the flood insurance costs.
2. Bring in your own home inspector. Many people get fucked over for trusting the home inspectors that initially checked the house out. These people are doing a job, and can easily be paid off. Too many people have bought homes to find that the inspector worded his reports in ways that allowed defects to be present. Things like termites, cracks in the foundation, and even mold or water damage could be hidden from potential buyers by underhanded sellers.
3. talk to the neighbors. Find out what they know about the current homeowners. Do they party too much? Do they fight? Things like that can give you an idea on how they take care of their property. If they have only recently cut the grass for the listing of their house can be a major issue later on. If they dont care for the house prior to putting it on the market what makes you think they took care of the problems that they knew existed?
4. always find out what updates, additions or contract work they have had done recently.
5. above all check the local market and see if theyre asking for a fair price!