Sheza's Fuck You List 2010 Edition
- road construction
- morning sickness
- pens that run out of ink at the worst possible times
- the things divorce does to children
- scantrons
- inadequacies
- boredom
- entitlement
- the show Jersey Shore and any show discussing Hitler's preferences in food, sex, and travel
- care plans
- insomnia
- people who are deliberately cruel
- self doubt
- whining
- mildew
- medical bills
- 10 page papers
- dirty dishes
- that undying drive to please everyone
- that undying drive to piss everyone off
- allergic reactions
- tight schedules
- clogged drains
- white scrub pants
- perfectionism
- apathy
- cognitive dissonance
- waterbeds
- tardiness
- patronism
- sense of impending doom
- flies of all varieties
- the price of gas
- the Mid Ohio Valley crud
- my current bank account balance
- planning weddings while flat broke (for the most part)
- rational and emotional conflicts
- Tree of Heavens (google it. They're terrible.)
- low disk, fridge, or storage space
- uncomfortable shoes
Fuhuhuck YOU! Mmmmm...catharsis.