I love how your blogs are nothing but your opinion congruent with your own narscissism. If you approached your topics from an objective point of view paralleling empathy you would get less views on your blogs, yes, but it would be your honest objective opinion. And if you are dishonest with yourself b/c of your emotions involving issues you cannot control, then your whole life will be dishonest. However cliche it sounds, if you can't be true to yourself, how can you be true with anybody else? on an honest level? I just want you to understand both sides of the issue in your blogs. Being able to side with each topic, right or wrong, of your blogs, regardless of how it makes you feel emotionally. Im empathetic towards your plight (my plight) (our plight) of expanding your views but keeping your subjective mind grounded in equilibrium of society's plight. quit being a bitch in your blogs and jelly of negativity. that's what defines us! we need to get knocked down and thumbed! but we don't need to retaliate by stooping to their level, but in stooping to their level, you initiated it all. everything. the need to post, blog, write, alt up (supposedly idk but i have a good guess) and make ur blogs seem worthwhile but damn shy, how desperate do have to get before you smell your own stinky perfume? or cologne? idk what gender you are! who does! just be urself and if you cant be that then stop posting shit from a user who no one can trust. I had to jump on the bandwagon.