Smart People, Stupid People
Some people are smart. They don't have three kids in three years. They don't get married at 20. They don't take on unbearable tasks. They don't assume responsibility for the burdens of others and then turn around and bitch about being miserable. They don't make whole hearted vows while realizing that keeping them will only bring them pain and rob them of their choices. They know when to fold and cash in. I am not like those people.
Most people are stupid. They trade in their mediocre happiness in hopes of winning the grand prize. They spend their lives building cities and then burn all the access bridges. They navigate with emotional sonar. They strive and pray and sweat to attain their goals and then reach higher without a moment's hesitation to marvel at how far they've come. I envy these people.
Some people are too afraid to be stupid and too sentimental to be smart. Some people are me.