So I just realized.
Alright guys, no offense. I am not against any religion. After work today a Jehovah witness came to my apartment door and asked me if I would like to sit down and chat about Jesus. Now I looked at him and asked him one question and he blows up at me. Fucking GLORIOUS.
I asked him "Okay if Jesus was God's only son, then why are WE as people ALL "God's Children" Thank you Leviticus!. He looked at me like a cow looks at an on coming train. It was freakin hilarious!. Then he proceeded to hold my door open and threaten me by throwing his BIBLE into my house...
I asked him "Okay if Jesus was God's only son, then why are WE as people ALL "God's Children" Thank you Leviticus!. He looked at me like a cow looks at an on coming train. It was freakin hilarious!. Then he proceeded to hold my door open and threaten me by throwing his BIBLE into my house...