Stupuid people of ebaumsworm
helo everyone this is my first adition of stupid people of ebaumsowlrd in this blog i post about all th e stupid opeople of ebaumswold so if you have a reqauest to nominate someone for stupid people of ebaumsworld plx let me know in a private message and i will look into that person to see if thay cualify for stupid people of ebaumsworm blog LETS GET STAERTED!:
Ok first stupid person is sindicate he is stupid because he sucked his moms penis and becuase he doesnt have a penis of his own. true story: one time sindicate tried to suck his dads penis and his dad cummed inside his asshole and Sindicate was like "ahhhh oooo fafafafafaffafafdabadabdbdabdabdabdbad adjjijaosdjiasjdjodjaisjajsodjasiodjasodjodjgnfugnfgndfjkgndkfngfdg wow that was really swell."
Next person on this list is wallboy. wallboy is stupid because he likes to fuck men in the penis whyle drinking elephant cum. what a weard person!? i heard wallboy likes to watch teletubbies while he played pokemon with his friends in his parents basement he is stupid
next person is platypuss. platypuss is stupid becauise he is an emo girl that thinks it looks good to be emo even though he looks like a cum gargling slut. one time, platypussys dad stuck his dick in her vaguina and she was like "sdjfisdjfiojsfsmdfmsdiofjiosfisdjfoj sjfiosdjfoi sojfsdoifjsdiofjosdjosfjosjdfosdjf jlkfmvklmxvpfpfg09i0ui09ii09 wow that was really swell please shove it up my ass adjfiajiofsjdifjs0fs90df90sdfi90sdif90ifi that was totaslly sexuyally swell."
next person on this list is tomlet. tomlet likes to collect things in his asshole. one time tomlet sat on a fire hydrant and it got lost in his asshole, so the sitty had to give tomlet a bill to replace the fire hysdrant and due you know what the ideiot did? He pooped it back out! What kind of firefirghter wants to use a poopy fire hydrant. the citty wouldnt accept it back so tomlet stuck it back up his ass and walked around town saying "josjdfsjdfsf0sif09is9d0fi90sdif90sifsjffjosdjfosjf89jsf89js8fjs8 jf8sjf9jsd89fj8s9jfs f89sjf8sdjf89sdjfjsdf9sd wow this feels totally sexually swell in the asshole"
Send me a private message if there is someone else you would like me to assd to the next eddition of stupid people of ebaumsworm