Tea Party Terrorist
Alright, since nobody else has done it, let's talk about Andrew Joseph Stack III. This cocksucker decided that he hates politicians, hates the bailouts, thinks the tax system is fucked up, and burned his house done and flew a plane into a fucking building to make his point about it.
I called him a "tea party terrist" to be attention getting, there's no evidence that suggests he was active in the party, but I can't help but notice that he's got a lot in common with them. He fits the demographic, he's pissed about the same range of topics, and he seems to be totally irrational about certain subjects.
Even though there's no evidence that he was part of a terrorist group, how is this douchebag not a terrorist? He committed an act of massive violence with the intention of promoting a sociopolital viewpoint and freak people the fuck out. If it looks like terrorism and feels like terrorism, it's terrorism.
When I looked at the news on NPR.org and CNN.com, I was appalled by how many people responded positively to Stack's actions. There was a disturbing percentage of people who thought he was "a true patriot" and "uprising was the only way." Are there that many dangerous, deluded freaks out there?