That damn mouse.......
Disney bought the rights to marvel comics for 4 billion dollars and that is what I call a great comic book collection and nobody has touched children more than that damn mouse except maybe Satan Clause. You can almost see the movies now Spider man and Hanna Montana (with special guest Billy Ray Cyrus) takes on The Fantastic Four and Bambi in Bambi's revenge (Hanna should have not went hunting with dad). The possibilities are endless and the movies are sure to be just as exciting as watching Paint dry or going to see Hanna in concert take your pick. Doesn't Disney own DC Comics as well and no I am not going to google it because it just doesn't matter because either way you look at it Disney a very smart company has just cemented its hold of our kids just like they did with us and Mickey that damn mouse.
Thanks for reading Bohank and dont expect to be rescued any time soon.
PS Kennedy is a killer and a murderer. (sorry I couldnt resist it was way to easy)