The Finals- Biggest Piece of Shit
Oscar Pistorious vs. Larry the Cable Guy ---- You Decide Larry the Cable Guy as Daniel Whitney Oscar Pistorious
Not Pictured: His Girlfriend
After a few tough weeks, we are down to our two biggest pieces of shit. Who will win it all? Will the semi-celebs continue their domination in the Finals? Or will Oscar Pistorious become the Sports worlds first champ since 2003 when Don Zimmer won for charging Pedro Martinez, resulting in this:
2003 B.P.O.S Champion Don Zimmer
If you didn't have Larry going all the way to the finals then you clearly haven't been paying attention. Sure, Tyler Perry dresses in drag and churns out 5 shitty movies per year. Some may even argue that the stereotypes he perpetuates on tv and film have set the African-American community back another 15-20 years. A smart bet would be to put money on Perry winning it all next year. Larry and Tyler have very similar styles of play. They both have trashy fans with little to no understanding of what plot progression, believable dialogue, or character development are. They both have to dress in goofy outfits with outlandishly over-the-top personas, spewing corny catch phrases to grab the attention of their dim-witted fans. The delicious irony here is that despite all these similarities, Larry and Perry's respective fan bases would not be caught dead near anything the other would be doing. They think they are somehow different. They see Black & White, when they should be seeing the nutty brown shit that I see anytime one of these fucks is on screen.
So, what put Larry the Cable Guy though to the finals you may ask? The mother fucker tweeted me! Not once or twice, mind you. This dude was going back and forth with me for a while, until he actually had to block me. From a handle called "CrudeDude69," with a picture of a guy flipping you off. He should have definitely known better. He made me think that everybody must respond to tweets from random people. Little did I know it wouldn't be that easy. I would eventually have to find the Tum-Tum's and the Bowl Hair Cut Kid from the 90's to get responses. But Tyler Perry held out. That's exactly why he didn't move forward. Next year, he may want to feed the trolls to advance. Lord knows I will throw a steady stream of insults his way.
As for Oscar Pistorious vs. Johnny Manziel... Well Johnny is an asshole who probably went a lot further than he should have, but his ride to glory ended up being about as long as Oscar's fibula. We will see how Johnny responds to the pressures of the NFL before we start awarding him being champion of this league. We needed a murderer in the finals too.
How the Final Two works: Up until this point, I basically advanced whatever shithead was currently pissing me off the most, in turn making it impossible to fill out a quality bracket. Now, the Power shifts to YOU! The #CrudeDudeNation (all 5 of you) finally get their say in determining who the Biggest Piece of Shit is. Go to the Right Hand Side of the Page and vote now. Go to the comment section down below as well and tell us why you voted the way you did.
Not Pictured: His Girlfriend
After a few tough weeks, we are down to our two biggest pieces of shit. Who will win it all? Will the semi-celebs continue their domination in the Finals? Or will Oscar Pistorious become the Sports worlds first champ since 2003 when Don Zimmer won for charging Pedro Martinez, resulting in this:
2003 B.P.O.S Champion Don Zimmer
If you didn't have Larry going all the way to the finals then you clearly haven't been paying attention. Sure, Tyler Perry dresses in drag and churns out 5 shitty movies per year. Some may even argue that the stereotypes he perpetuates on tv and film have set the African-American community back another 15-20 years. A smart bet would be to put money on Perry winning it all next year. Larry and Tyler have very similar styles of play. They both have trashy fans with little to no understanding of what plot progression, believable dialogue, or character development are. They both have to dress in goofy outfits with outlandishly over-the-top personas, spewing corny catch phrases to grab the attention of their dim-witted fans. The delicious irony here is that despite all these similarities, Larry and Perry's respective fan bases would not be caught dead near anything the other would be doing. They think they are somehow different. They see Black & White, when they should be seeing the nutty brown shit that I see anytime one of these fucks is on screen.
So, what put Larry the Cable Guy though to the finals you may ask? The mother fucker tweeted me! Not once or twice, mind you. This dude was going back and forth with me for a while, until he actually had to block me. From a handle called "CrudeDude69," with a picture of a guy flipping you off. He should have definitely known better. He made me think that everybody must respond to tweets from random people. Little did I know it wouldn't be that easy. I would eventually have to find the Tum-Tum's and the Bowl Hair Cut Kid from the 90's to get responses. But Tyler Perry held out. That's exactly why he didn't move forward. Next year, he may want to feed the trolls to advance. Lord knows I will throw a steady stream of insults his way.
As for Oscar Pistorious vs. Johnny Manziel... Well Johnny is an asshole who probably went a lot further than he should have, but his ride to glory ended up being about as long as Oscar's fibula. We will see how Johnny responds to the pressures of the NFL before we start awarding him being champion of this league. We needed a murderer in the finals too.
How the Final Two works: Up until this point, I basically advanced whatever shithead was currently pissing me off the most, in turn making it impossible to fill out a quality bracket. Now, the Power shifts to YOU! The #CrudeDudeNation (all 5 of you) finally get their say in determining who the Biggest Piece of Shit is. Go to the Right Hand Side of the Page and vote now. Go to the comment section down below as well and tell us why you voted the way you did.