The Greater Pussification of America
Howdy folks, one more blog for the books.
I have a theory that I have recently dubbed "The Greater Pussification of America", and I'd like to share it with all of you.
It all starts around the Great Depression. America was a struggling country that had hit its all time low and people were suffering. This general period in time began the development of the "hard working American" archetype for a citizen. People needed to work their asses off and be tough, or they'd fucking DIE or their family would starve or they'd be homeless. There was no in between. It was work hard, or suffer and possibly die.
Then we went into the 1940's and 1950's. This is where we lost the depression, but kept the attitude. The hard working American didn't go anywhere, and because of that, our country began to grow and prosper. Our country was not only full of itself and acted like it, but we had the military presence to back it up. The attitude was "we're the greatest, and we're fuckin tough, and if you don't like America, then fuck you". Generations of hard as nails motherfuckers were raised, and it was great.
Then we hit the 60's and 70's, and the bullshit began. Granted, these years were awesome to live in, and it was a time of change for the country, but it was not necessarily all good changes. This is the era in which America started heading towards being a bunch of overly concerned with PC-ism vaginas. Equal rights and civil rights are great, but it doesn't mean we all have to act like a bunch of fags afraid of our own shadows. More importantly, this is the time when parents started raising their kids less rigidly. Smacking a kid who fucked up became wrong and innapropriate. As we kept heading forwards into the 80's and 90's, it became more and more innapropriate to 'under-parent' your kids, as they began to call it.
Mothers everywhere starting giving "time-outs" instead of spankings, and forcing kids to wear helmets and pads while they went biking or rollerblading. Intramural sports were no longer time honored traditions in which one team from one town would ritualistically beat the shit out of another town, god forbid. In this new world, everyone is a winner, no one is a loser. Everyone plays safe, everybody "did their best", and everybody deserves a trophy.
Well Guess What. In the real world, PEOPLE LOSE. In the real world, SOMEONE IS THE BEST. In the real world, YOU CAN FAIL.
Nowadays we have entire generations of softy kids running around who have never known failure. How can you gauge success if you have no failure to compare it to? How can you appreciate it? We wonder why so many of today's young adults are in therapy, or have emotional issues, or cannot seem to survive the real world. The answer is simple, our country has pussified it's children.
When i was younger, if i fucked up, i got a smack in the head or on the bum. Sure, it might have stung for a minute or two, but i guarantee i didn't make that same mistake too many more times. When i screwed up, I knew it! When i lost, i knew exactly why I lost and what I could do next time to win. Also, i shook the winners hand and looked him right in the eye and said "good game", no matter how much I didn't want to, because thats what a man does. We have kids nowadays who don't know how to be anything but babies, and have no self reliance. I'm not saying the solution to this is to beat your kids, but I'm saying if you never teach a child failure, how can he ever truly know success?
Do you think when a kid messes up a presentation for a huge client at work the boss is gonna say "well you tried your best, here's the next contract anyway, good effort"? NO! He's gonna tell you that you screwed up royally, and probably fire your ass! What are we teaching kids by not allowing them to know they've failed?!
Mothers, stop protecting your kids so damn much, they're not made of glass, they'll live, and they'll be better off in adult life knowing what it means to fail and succeed. Next time your kid steps out of line, don't make him go sit in his room, give him a tap on the bum and see if he fucks up again. In your efforts to protect your child, you are DESTROYING them for adult life. If you don't turn a child into a man while they're young, they're never going to be men at all, because when will they learn how if not during those developmental years?
Raising a child is entirely different than protecting the child you are raising. Some things you can protect them from, like disease, and sickness, and homelessness, but some things they need to experience. They need to learn how to deal with the school bully, they need to learn what it feels like to scrape their knee when they fall off their bike, and they need to learn that its not about NEVER LOSING, its about LOSING AND GETTING BACK UP ON YOUR FEET SO YOU CAN SUCCEED THE NEXT TIME.
Stop pussifying the country, and raise your kids to be adults, not big children.
Sorry i saw some mother babying her 15 year old on the way into work cause he dropped his ice cream cone and didn't get to eat it. Made me sick to my stomach.