the logistics of colonizing a new planet
i feel like expanding on a comment i made on another blog. i can't remember the title of said blog, but who gives a rats ass anyways, right? so my comment had something to do with unwanted children and avoiding abortions that people seem to be so against. i personally dont care what you do with your little embreyo, but lets let that be for another time. my plan could kill two birds with one stone. we could colonize another planet and get rid of some of these unwanted kids. how you may ask. well if you would shut the fuck up and listen i would tell you you goddamn blabber mouthed bafoon!
lets go over some numbers and facts first, shall we? the current space shuttles top speed is 17,500mph. sounds fast, right? the nearest planet that is, as far as scientists can tell, nearest in likeness to our great mother Earth is 5.9 trillion miles away attached to a red dwarf named Gliese 581c in the Libra exsists in what is known as the Goldilocks area for planets. not too cold (32degrees f) not to hot (104degrees f) for water to exsist. if water exsists so, presumably, doesair and all the other good shit we need to exsist. but what about fuel you may ask. again, sit the fuck down and shut up i'm getting to that. space is a vacuum thus no friction. get up a good speed in one direction and let the laws of physics do the rest. now these children, and a couple adults at first, will be on this shuttle for a VERY long time. 38,486 years and 62 days to be exact give or take a couple of hours. this would pose a major logistical hurdle to cleardue to the fact that each shuttle we will be sending (there would be hundreds) will hold 15-25 children and adults. two adults per shuttle for teaching and diciplinary purposes.
there will obviously have to be small greenhouses on every ship and virtually no waste. all urin would need to be recycled and all waste products also when aplicable. babies would be the best individuals for such a journey because if they are raised in this enviroment it would just be regular life to them. all the passangers, when they met their end, would be eaten. everyone would have to learn the workings and operation of the ship they were on and how to repair it. excersise would be imparitive because the generation that makes it needs to be able to support themselves under gravity. theirs would have to be a highly regimented and regulated life with almost no privacy or freedom.
now i know this is a proposition FULL of holes and problems, but take into consideration i'm not a physicist, astronomer, nor amd i even a college graduate unless you consider trade school (and i don't). i just thought this would be a fun idea and a possible conversation starter. plus shooting unwanted babies into space to get rid of them is a funny idea to me. so go fuck yourself.