
The space between the bars

This was one of the first blogs I ever posted here at EBW.  I posted it nearing 3 years ago, I believe, but for some reason this thought process (or lack thereof) reared it's head again and made me think of this blog.  Thought I would share again, since many of you most likely didn't know me back then, didn't care to, or just didn't read it because I am a douche.

Either way, here it is again...

"It's the space between the bars, that holds the lion."


Ever heard this saying before? 

It is a brilliant little insight into life as we know it...


We have a tendancy to view life as a series of restrictions to what we want, complications to our ultimate plan, or problems to overcome.  Usually leaving us down, or atleast discouraged to the point that we may steer clear of future situations that we feel may lead down a path that may contain one of more of the forementioned properties.


The way we look at things, and what we think about, DIRECTLY determines how things work out. 


You may not believe this, and that is the toughest part of our transformation, but its true.  And with a little practice, you can see this take place everyday.




Ever think about someone, maybe a person you haven't seen in a long time, and the next thing you know, they call you?  Or contact you in some way, and you say "I was just thinking of you the other day!!!!"  This is a very regular occurance that proves this simple little philosophy.


Putting our attention on what we want, instead of what we have (that we don't like), will bring us what we want.


We all know that "lucky" person, who seems to have it all.  While we concentrate on the "bars" that hold us in the cage, they concentrate on the space between the bars, and they seem to always get what they want.  They seem to never WANT.


"I never have enough money!" 


"I always attract the wrong type of guy..."


"These things always happen to me!"


...and they keep happening?  Of course they do!


Ever notice how when we are happy in a relationship (usually more at the beginning...) that is the time when it seems like EVERYONE wants to date us!  We are on Fire!  We are hot, and everyone knows it.  Why???


One the flipside, we all know that "terminally single" guy.  The one who bleeds desperation.  The one that no woman wants any part of.  Not because they are a bad person, but women can seem to "smell" the desperation and they steer clear!  Why?????


The first guy is always thinking about being happy.  About being in a good relationship, and about making his woman happy, and his woman making him happy.  The second guy is always concentrating on his loneliness, the fact that no woman wants him, and how he is not making anyone happy, and noone is making him happy.


See the correlation here?  It is the old "Act as if..." prophecy.  The good ol' "See yourself hitting the homerun, see yourself winning the championship." mentality that also applies here.


Its the space between the notes that make the music.


You can't learn how to walk by watching people fall down all day.  Practicing falling down, and always thinking of falling down, won't bring us any closer to walking.. Thinking, dreaming, and practicing the STAYING UP part will sooner or later yeild the ability to walk.  Practice makes perfect, but we don't see Shaq trying to improve his free throws by playing golf all day.  No, he gets on the court, and keeps thinking and practicing what he wants to get good at.  OK, Maybe Shaq isn't the best example, but his free-throws have gotten a little better...


The point here is that all of our thoughts, and actions, determine the course of our lives.  Instead of constantly complaining about what sucks about our situation, try focusing on what is good about it, and what we would like to attract.


Instead of  "I am always broke."  Think about how much you want, and how you would serve others with it...


Instead of  "I always end up with assholes..."  Think about what is was about them that you DID like, and what other qualities you would like to see in addition to those...


Instead of  "This shit always happens to me!"  Try thinking about what a great opportunity this is to learn a lesson, and move on to a life that will include future opportunities for growth and so on...


Its not the bars of the cage that keep the lion, but the space being a little too small for freedom.  Increase that space, and the lion goes free, no matter how many bars there are...


It is the times, between the fights, that make us happy.  Increase those times.... concentrate on those times, as the lion ponders that space...



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