This is only my opinion.
I hate my dreams and aspirations, I hate who I am. This is not going to become some emo self harming blog, allow me to explain.
When I was a child, I dreamt of being famous, of being adored by people, of being rich. Of course this doesn't sound to different from anyone else. But there is the point, as these dreams are not and have never been my own, they are the product of the society we live it, I realized this in my later years, and now my childhood dreams will me with loathing. My dreams are fed too me through mass media and clever marketing, false hopes and aspirations, given to me in order to ensure I conform and consume. I shudder to learn that marketing companies employ child psychologists in order to get the maximum exposure of their products, that is ethically insane. But then again religion is thrust upon us before we have sense of self.
Religion aside, I just wish children that are born today could just grow up in a society where all this false lies and aspirations are not thrust upon them. If they want to be a famous singer when they grow up great, but don't emerse them in a society where talent shows and boy bands are at the forefront of media and entertainment. It isn't hard to understand that if all you see is people wanting to be famous all your life, that you will end up wanting to be famous yourself. As I have mentioned in a previous blog there are entire generations who are raised by the TV, there are people who never know anything that hasn't come from TV.
Just think about it for a moment, if we lived in a society that didn't revolve around mass entertainment, if we lived in a society where the focus was the shunning of monetary gains and fame, and where the focus was the betterment of mankind, my aspirations I believe would have been different. Of course I have free will, I can choose not to chase the dream that was thrust upon me when I was a child, but that has repercussions, as I have to survive and fend for myself. If I want to eat and keep a roof over my head I have to suck at the tit of society and compete for a job I hate to buy shit I don't need.
Of course there are those of you who while reading this are have been thinking I am some communist yadda yadda. No I am not advocating that no one should be famous, or be rich, I just think that children growing up should have a more wholesome upbringing, where they are not sat in front of the TV and literally told that these people are your role models and you have to emulate them or you will die poor and lonely.
There are those of you who will say that I am talking shit -and of course I might be as this is only my opinion- but look at the world around you, people are orange from fake tan and chase the ultimate body because the watch Jersey shore or the real housewives of where ever. We are blinded from reality, we are in our own little bubbles, chasing fame and consumer products, we are so insulated in our own lives that we no longer see the plight of others in our own countries and also across the world. We are so caught up in achieving these dreams that are thrust upon us that when we see the plight of others it is seen as someone else's problem. I truly hate what we have become, we are a disgusting species.
When I was a child, I dreamt of being famous, of being adored by people, of being rich. Of course this doesn't sound to different from anyone else. But there is the point, as these dreams are not and have never been my own, they are the product of the society we live it, I realized this in my later years, and now my childhood dreams will me with loathing. My dreams are fed too me through mass media and clever marketing, false hopes and aspirations, given to me in order to ensure I conform and consume. I shudder to learn that marketing companies employ child psychologists in order to get the maximum exposure of their products, that is ethically insane. But then again religion is thrust upon us before we have sense of self.
Religion aside, I just wish children that are born today could just grow up in a society where all this false lies and aspirations are not thrust upon them. If they want to be a famous singer when they grow up great, but don't emerse them in a society where talent shows and boy bands are at the forefront of media and entertainment. It isn't hard to understand that if all you see is people wanting to be famous all your life, that you will end up wanting to be famous yourself. As I have mentioned in a previous blog there are entire generations who are raised by the TV, there are people who never know anything that hasn't come from TV.
Just think about it for a moment, if we lived in a society that didn't revolve around mass entertainment, if we lived in a society where the focus was the shunning of monetary gains and fame, and where the focus was the betterment of mankind, my aspirations I believe would have been different. Of course I have free will, I can choose not to chase the dream that was thrust upon me when I was a child, but that has repercussions, as I have to survive and fend for myself. If I want to eat and keep a roof over my head I have to suck at the tit of society and compete for a job I hate to buy shit I don't need.
Of course there are those of you who while reading this are have been thinking I am some communist yadda yadda. No I am not advocating that no one should be famous, or be rich, I just think that children growing up should have a more wholesome upbringing, where they are not sat in front of the TV and literally told that these people are your role models and you have to emulate them or you will die poor and lonely.
There are those of you who will say that I am talking shit -and of course I might be as this is only my opinion- but look at the world around you, people are orange from fake tan and chase the ultimate body because the watch Jersey shore or the real housewives of where ever. We are blinded from reality, we are in our own little bubbles, chasing fame and consumer products, we are so insulated in our own lives that we no longer see the plight of others in our own countries and also across the world. We are so caught up in achieving these dreams that are thrust upon us that when we see the plight of others it is seen as someone else's problem. I truly hate what we have become, we are a disgusting species.