Time...For A Season
I used to think that time was a friend, and that death was not an enemy. I've learned differently through the years. Time steals from us. Every single second that ticks is a second that you will NEVER get back. Death takes from us our loved ones, our friends, and our family. Each fleeting second brings us closer to another loss. Time is always stealing from us, even in our sleep. It usually steals slowly, but occassionally time unites with fate and steals very quickly, suddenly, and without warning. Though I used to work in a Cemetery, I will never be a friend of death. Though I used to be young, I will never be a friend to time. I urge you all to enjoy life. Enjoy your friends. Go somewhere that you've never been before and take pictures. Post a few to Ebaumsworld to share places with us. I shall do the same for you. Also, if you don't have one... GET A FACE YOU FREAKING FACELESS FREAKS OF EBAUMSWORLD!