To all of you hopeless retards....
I'm sick of everyone leaving comments on content that say "WTF i posted this like a month before this guy did. Why did he get featured?" And then they go on about how ebaum is a fat shit who is ruining their lives. Here's how it works......Ebaum gets his media that he features from the bigtime users. The people with no lives who sit on there computers for hours on end, hoping to get an infinite amount of erep points. These people steal the media from you, so whether you submitted earlier or not, it doesn't matter. My guess is that ebaum gets his content from people with a ton of erep points or people with tons of submissions. So, quit your bitching until your ready to put countless hours in on ebaumsworld.
If you dont believe me, then just go to a featured video and then go to the user's profile who submitted it. Chances are, they have a looooooooottttttt of submissions