Truth Be Told
I hate the world outside of America. You know why? Well, you guys simply suck. You are all jealous pricks. You hate that we are the popular kid on the block, but you are obsessed with our music, movies, politics, and just general life. Someone takes a shit in America? You're all online blogging about it. Someone breaks a nail? You run to your local newspaper to break the story. You also hate that we are the world police. Which we are. You hate it, but then once shit hits the fan you're all screaming "Where is America to help?" Gee, just two days ago you were cursing us for getting involved. Don't believe me? Just look at every Middle Eastern country ever. They do this on a daily basis. Fuck America rallies and then the next day "Why isn't America helping this and that?" Fuck you guys. You either want our help or don't. Then there is always your country vs. ours. You never hear Americans say "Who do you think is better the USA or Canada?" We don't ask or have to explain why we're better because it's already known. Just by you comparing our country to yours you are admitting we are the standard for greatness. If we weren't you'd compare yourself to England or some place that is kinda like little America. I am not trolling... I just hate the hate for America. You guys love us. You love everything about us. You crave our cock on a daily basis. So just shut up and stop pretending you don't.