Unsmooth moments
Someone wrote in on Bob and Tom about their unsmooth moment. A girl was going through the self checkout in a grocery store, and decided to use the spanish menus at the checkout. There wasn't much of a line, and she had taken a couple years of spanish in high school, so she wanted to see how much she remembered. She was doing fine until she had to weigh the bananas. She did something wrong, and the bananas totaled $37. By this time, there's a line behind her, and she can't easily start over. She's looking around for a clerk to help her, and hears someone laughing. About three places behind her in line is a guy she went to high school with. He yells out, "Excuse me. Seniorita Jones needs some help with her $37 bananas." Now whenever she sees this guy, he says "hola, como estas?"