what happened to individuality?
I just need to know why everyone needs to look like a CHAP or TODD...it seems that how you look is more important that what you learn in school. personally, i blame Abercrombie or Hollister for telling us how we should look.
Its rediculous, I got into a heated argument about how many people like you determines how far you get in life...BULL SHIT.
And I know that some jobs require hook-ups but those are usually being a busboy, bagboy at Albertsons, or the window cleaner at the office. *to get this out of the way, i remember one of you are a waitress, but i forgot who, just know this is not at you*
these 3 jobs are comonly either: jobs that lead to other jobs, jobs to get you back on your feet, or jobs that help pay for college...
I wonder how many people actually know that you need a Bacholors degree to get a descent carreer and make descent pay.
It's times like these that makes me wonder how the next generation is gonna handel itself.