When profanity goes bad
Bitch on a stick blogged about her addiction to profanity. This is something I've struggled with my entire life. My mother swore like a drunken Australian sailor and I just kind of picked it up. When I got suspended for calling a teacher a "retarded fuck-dribble" when I was in tenth grade (she really was being kind of retarded) my mother was pretty upset. When driving me home after the mandatory parent conference, she said, "Where did you get such a fucking, dirty mouth?"
I don't know, Mom, maybe the kids on the bus
As an adult, with kids of my own, I try not to put them in the same situation. When my oldest was in pre-school, I tried to be careful. Little ears pick up a lot. One of my main problems was when driving. I would go into mouth foaming tirades at times. Since my daughter was in the back seat, instead of calling inconsiderate drivers "mouth breathing nuttfuckers" I began to call them "crack heads."
It worked. "Wake up, crack head." "Look at that crack head up there!" My daughter soaked it all in
We had just moved out to the country in central Texas. The frontage roads were two ways on either side of the highway. My wife dropped my daughter off at pre-school in the morning and picked her up in the afternoon. One day when I picked my daughter up, her teacher called me over.
"I need to talk to you about something your daughter told me. This morning she called me over and said, 'Ms. Jana, my mommy is a crack head.'" Apparently my wife had messed up on the two way frontage road when driving her to school and somebody slammed on their brakes and honked at her. Of course my daughter knew that people who messed up while driving were called crack heads.
Thats not the way the teacher took it at all.
There's no good way to eliminate your profanity without going cold turkey. I quit cigarettes, I quit cocaine, I quit meth, I quit opiates, but I'm not sure I can quit the potty mouth.