Where are all the comic book dorks at?
I am a big collector of comics and I have noticed a big down fall in the people that collect them. Comics are Americas biggest art form. Not to mention the money in them. I didnt get into them for the money of course. I got into them for the drawing. The art work is second to none. I have around 3,000 comics. In every comic you can tell how important they were to the artists. The comic book worl is on a slow decline and it makes me sad to think that kless kids are reading comics. That use to be the thing to do when you were a child. You would get a dollar from your parents and run to the comic book store. Now I wasnt a kid that just sta inside all day reading them. I went outside and I had friends but they were important to me. I guess I am just saying its sad to see it some what dieing.