

I stare into the well, an ethereal picture of myself stares right back at me. The cold air pierces my lungs and my breath blocks the image at the bottom of the well briefly but my mind still has the image captured like a camera. For the first time I was in two places at once. My mind races back and forth as the tundra backs away slowly turning dark, almost black as I look back briefly wondering where I was, who I was. I was scared in this foriegn environment, afraid of the unknown. I stand up and walk for a bit trying to warm myself up, but eventually go back to well and stare in. The bottom was mesmerizing and felt right. I hear a noise behind me and freeze. Someone was there, someone I didnt know, someone that intended  to hurt me, I could feel it. I ran as fast as I could, as far as I could into a nothingness that was in every way the same. As I slow to a walk I can see the well in front of me again. It draws me in. I stand at the edge, and suddenly I am pushed in. Darkness.It seemed as if an eternity had passed by when I wake up, groggy and hazy from the abrupt fall. I fear whatever it was that pushed me into the well, and wait for it to show its face. I look back into the shallow water of the well and see my picturesque image again. and realize it was me the whole time. I was the only one here, I was the presence in the dark. I was the only thing to fear.
*I want to add on to this, not too sure if its a keeper or a bit cliche. This is the condensed version, but I feel if it has potential. Shoot me a reply if you liked it.
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