
Your 2nd Amendment rights. A Canadian Perspective

The biggest argument for owning guns seems to be, protecting yourself from your government, followed by foreign threats, domestic threats, hunting and lastly being gangster.  Funny thing is, the main reasons American's bare arms are actually the inverse of the arguments to have them. America has a gun culture, it's inbreed to their way of life. To take away their guns would be like cancelling Christmas or Thanksgiving. It simply will not happen without a giant shake up that supports the argument of owning the guns in the first place. Trying to save lives by removing gun rights is a useless endeavour, because the very action of doing so, would take more lives. If you want to get rid of guns, stop feeding into the gun culture by not supporting arts and entertainment that promotes it. Like all that stupid Rap and Hip Hop that's degenerative or Rambo type movies. (Yes, I know there probably are some well intentioned Rap and Hip Hop. I refer only to the shit that isn't).

I know that will never happen, so just relax, pick out the weeds of society the best you can, knowing a few dandelions are going to pop up now and then. If you really want to save lives, far in excess of people getting killed by guns, you can help fight heart disease, (600,000 per year) by promoting good diet. Respiratory disease from smoking kills about ten times more Americans every year than guns do. Cigarettes are completely useless, maybe in some circles you can look gangster with them, but they are useless for hunting or defending the country and it probably wouldn't spark a civil war by making them illegal. But it's not going to happen for something as useless as smokes, what makes you think taking away gun rights will?

Another point, most of those crazies that get a hold of guns kill themselves. In 2009 there were 36,909 suicides and 16,799 homicides. By the way there were 34,485 vehicular deaths that year.

The point is you can't ban culture without a lot of fucked up shit happening. Look at the war on drugs! Maybe if you end that, you'll cut murder rates by half right there.


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