Good Jew Jokes
Why does a Jew pick his big nose?
It's cheaper than using a tissue.
Why is the rhinoceros jealous of Jews?
Jews have bigger noses.
What time is bed time at the Jew's house?
When electricity is too expensive.
What does the Jew do after one of his friends leaves?
He checks the sofa for loose change.
What has a big nose, stinks, and acts like a repulsive jerk?
The typical Jew.
Why does the Jew hate his own reputation?
The truth hurts!
Why is it that Jews like to watch pornos in reverse?
They like the part when the hooker gives the money back.
It's cheaper than using a tissue.
Why is the rhinoceros jealous of Jews?
Jews have bigger noses.
What time is bed time at the Jew's house?
When electricity is too expensive.
What does the Jew do after one of his friends leaves?
He checks the sofa for loose change.
What has a big nose, stinks, and acts like a repulsive jerk?
The typical Jew.
Why does the Jew hate his own reputation?
The truth hurts!
Why is it that Jews like to watch pornos in reverse?
They like the part when the hooker gives the money back.