Pleasant Dreams
One morning, a married couple was preparing for their day after being woken by the alarm clock.
"I had a dream about you last night," said the wife to her husband.
"What happened in it?" he asked.
"I was at an auction," she said. "They were selling penises. Little ones were a dollar and big ones were $10."
"What was mine going for?"
"They were giving them away," she replied.
"It's funny," the husband said, "Because I had a dream that I was at an auction too, except they were selling vaginas. Big ones were a dollar and little ones were $10."
"What was mine selling for?" asked the wife.
He replied, "That's where they held the auction!"
"I had a dream about you last night," said the wife to her husband.
"What happened in it?" he asked.
"I was at an auction," she said. "They were selling penises. Little ones were a dollar and big ones were $10."
"What was mine going for?"
"They were giving them away," she replied.
"It's funny," the husband said, "Because I had a dream that I was at an auction too, except they were selling vaginas. Big ones were a dollar and little ones were $10."
"What was mine selling for?" asked the wife.
He replied, "That's where they held the auction!"