The Album Of The Year
Musical industry tycoon decided to gather the data from all over America on which album is bought most often - This way he'll know what is the most popular band of the year.
He gathered the resources and paid the specialists, so they go to every store where cd's were sold and ask which one sells the best and how many of them were sold there.
After many months of gathering info, the specialists finally returned with the results. The businessman asked the managing director to read the results.
The manager opened the envelope and read "The band CD-R with their album 700MB."
He gathered the resources and paid the specialists, so they go to every store where cd's were sold and ask which one sells the best and how many of them were sold there.
After many months of gathering info, the specialists finally returned with the results. The businessman asked the managing director to read the results.
The manager opened the envelope and read "The band CD-R with their album 700MB."