
12 Famous Super Models Then And Now

Looking at celebrities when they were younger versus older is a very common thing to do on the internet these days. If fact, you can see quite a few celebrities then and now lists here on eBaum's World.

Obviously a high percentage of celebrities are very attractive people. After all, it helps when you're in a profession like acting or music where people are looking at you all the time, to be good looking. And therefore, watching how they age is of interest to us. But here, some of the most attractive people anywhere have been singled out in the form of super models, and we can take a look at them in their youth, compared to now. How do people who were known in their youth for being bombshells transition out of relying on the genetic lottery to succeed? Many, like Tyra Banks and Heidi Klum have done quite well for themselves.

Is it any different than the normal celebrity aging process? Any different from our own? Take a look for yourself.

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